G A Y E  S P E N C E R




 Born in Hobart in 1961

1983 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Tasmanian School of Art;

1984 Tasmanian Teachers Certificate;

1984-86 Art teacher Reece High school, Devonport;

1986-88 Works as an independent artist;

1989-94 Art teacher Dominic College, Hobart;

1992 Receives Catholic Teachers Certificate;

1993 Acting Creative Arts Coordinator, Dominic College;

1994-04 Head of the Faculty of Creative Arts




2020- Clarence Open Art Exhibition, winner overall

2012- Royal Hobart, winner (overall & class); winner Tasmanian Artist of the Year

2011- New Highly Commended Paintings @ von Schroeder Fine Arts Annual Summer Exhibition

2010- Clarence Open Art Exhibition winner

2009- “A Letter” von Schroeder Fine Arts

2008- "The Summer Eclectic" Salamanca Collection Hobart

- "Encounters" Artrom Gallery Rome Italy

- “Weld Echo" Long Gallery Hobart

- “Humans in the moment” International Art Competition Rome Italy winner

2007- “Meeting Places” Michel Sourgnes Fine Arts Brisbane

- Galeria Aniela Fine Art Gallery and Sculpture Park

- "The Winter Eclectic" Salamanca Collection Hobart

- “Nourish” curator Zara Stanhope, Heide Museum of Modern Art

2006- Michel Sourgnes Fine Arts-preview of the 07 Major Exhibition

- von Schroeder Fine Arts - preview of the 2007 Major Exhibition

2005- Wrest Point Art Award - Highly Commended (acquired)

2004- New Works -preview; von Schroeder Fine Arts

2003- “A New Insight”; Michel Sourgnes Fine Arts Brisbane

-“A New Insight”; von Schroeder Fine Arts

2002- “Feminine Perspective”, Maria Perides Gallery Brisbane

-“Last view” Chapman Gallery Canberra

2001- “Sculpture by the sea”, Tasmania

-“Feminine Perspective” von Schroeder Fine Arts,

Hobart Summer Festival

2000- “Contemplation” SOHO Galleries Sydney

-“Wrest Point Art Award”, (By invitation)

1999- “Disclosure” SOHO Galleries Sydney

1998- Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Melbourne

-“Impassioned” Dick Bett Gallery Hobart

-“Selected Australian Sculpture” Swing Bridge Art Gallery

1997- “Portia Geach Memorial Award”-finalist, Sherman Gallery Sydney

-“Skin Deep” von Schroeder Fine Arts Tasmania

1996- Australian Contemporary Art Fair Melbourne 

-“In Touch...” by invitation University of Tasmania

-“Religions, Beliefs, and Other Matters” Swing Bridge Art Gallery Tas.

1995- “The Web of the Magic” Solander Gallery Canberra

-“Journey to the Sea - Retrospective” Swing Bridge Art Gallery Tas.

-“Tasmanian Art Award” finalist at Eskleigh

-“Brief Moments” Swing Bridge Art Gallery 

1992- “Sverdlovsk project of 89”, Award

1991- “John Haywood Memorial” Long Gallery Hobart

1990  -“Tata Exhibition” Long Gallery Hobart



Human emotions, life scenarios, expectations, disappointments, and paths taken are aspects being explored through the human experience. The objective is for the spectator to be able to create a personal link with a painting and see themselves as potential characters within the environment presented. Viewers are open to their own individual interpretations. Perhaps they could see themselves or someone else in the same place. The sense of space and place is a focus. However, the meaning and intent is open to individual perception. 



Wood is an intriguing medium. It can nurture simplicity or complexity in form. For me this comes in aspects of the human context. I love to explore the possibilities on offer from the intricacies of the wood.